On June 21, 2016 the City's Trail Maintenance Policy came up for discussion at City Council. Administration's proposed changes to the Trail Maintenance Policy would, in ATWA’s view, establish a Rogue Trail Approval Process. However, City Council decided to send the proposals back to administration for further review, and then to the Whitehorse Trail & Greenways Committee for its review and input. Apparently, the revised proposed changes will come before City Council again on Monday, October 17th, with subsequent adoption scheduled for the 24th, although one should always check City Council's Agenda (posted each Friday on the City's website) for items of interest. (Originally the changes were to have come before Council on Oct. 11th.)
ATWA sent two documents to the WTGC and asked its members to review each before considering administration’s proposed changes to the Trail Maintenance Policy. One of those documents outlined the current reading of the section of the TMP under question, administration's proposed changes, and ATWA's suggested changes to administration's proposals. The other document outlined ATWA's reasons for its concerns with regard to the proposed changes. Please see both documents above.
In addition, you will find above ATWA's presentation to Mayor and Council of October 3, 2016 with regard to the Trail Maintenance Policy and rogue trails.
The changes were approved in November, 2016. You can find the the revised policy at the following site: https://www.whitehorse.ca/home/showpublisheddocument/436/637594572206600000.
ATWA sent two documents to the WTGC and asked its members to review each before considering administration’s proposed changes to the Trail Maintenance Policy. One of those documents outlined the current reading of the section of the TMP under question, administration's proposed changes, and ATWA's suggested changes to administration's proposals. The other document outlined ATWA's reasons for its concerns with regard to the proposed changes. Please see both documents above.
In addition, you will find above ATWA's presentation to Mayor and Council of October 3, 2016 with regard to the Trail Maintenance Policy and rogue trails.
The changes were approved in November, 2016. You can find the the revised policy at the following site: https://www.whitehorse.ca/home/showpublisheddocument/436/637594572206600000.